Thanks, I’ll check it out. (Gmail’s suggested response to this)

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Jeremy Caplan

I like the idea of using it for pro and cons list.

Have you tried out the AI feature on Notion? I keep bypassing it but now will see how it does with pro/cons

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Hi Cee, Yes! I wrote an initial post about it https://wondertools.substack.com/p/notionai and I've been revisiting it since to create a short online self-guided microcourse about Notion AI. I'll be curious to hear what you think of it and what you find it useful for. - Jeremy

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Jeremy Caplan

AI is everywhere now. Handy, I suppose. I hadn’t heard about Lex, need to try that!

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Thanks for those points, Nick. I haven’t used Paragraph.xyz so I appreciate your input on that. I do think there are increasingly network effects with Substack’s recommendation engine and subscription wallets (people who already have provided credit cards for one Substack newsletter have less friction when subscribing to others on Substack). And the pricing model is appealing to those trying it out, which leads to a bigger pool of writers and readers growing accustomed to Substack design and feature set. My hunch is that we may see some consolidation over time in the arena of newsletter sending as people converge around the strongest toolsets and networks, as was the case in with early online auction competitors, which eventually gave way to eBay.

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That’s an interesting view on it, the less friction the better, once you’ve setup your account with card details, it’s so easy to keep on subscribing to as many as you are prepared to afford. My interest in the various platforms stems from my my nerdy curiosity as a developer, to get involved with multiple technologies and network types.

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