Oh my gosh, this was SO helpful for me! I am the “tech person” for all my older family members who aren’t tech savvy and have needed to streamline things for a while. But, time. 🤣 You’ve given me a great starting place and I can modify things from there.

As for the ageism comment, I have to chime in here. I have been in the eldercare industry for almost 20 years. Keeping up with technology IS harder for older people in general. They didn’t grow up with it. It isn’t “second nature.” There are physical reasons for this. In addition, a lot of them DON’T WANT to learn all the ins and outs of technology. They just want to be able use what they want, when they want, and know they are “safe” doing it. This is great information to help those people and their families!

Thank you for putting this out there!

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The people in the 'eldercare industry' of 20 years ago are not the older people of today. And people who need 'eldercare' are not representative of older people as a whole. The older people of today are actually the generation that *invented* things like the World Wide Web, PCs, smartphones. Someone who is 60 now was among the first cohort to experience the Web and home computers. I'm over 60 and will happily stack up my technical knowledge of programming (in languages that didn't exist when I was in college) and generative AI with most people reading this newsletter who aren't currently full-time IT professionals. I'm also of the generation that was told "women can't do math." That wasn't true either.

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That’s great! I am glad you are so technically savvy! This is obviously information you don’t need then, so your current carers wouldn’t need this information either.

I still work in the eldercare industry. Unfortunately, I hear all the horror stories. And according to the FBI’s 2023 Elder Fraud report, Americans over 60 lost $3.4 billion in fraud last year. That’s the IC3’s report, so, they are internet crimes.

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My current carers? Why would I have carers? I potentially could use this information when I provide tech help to other people, both for my peers and people who are significantly younger than me, because we can usually learn from other people. But the headline completely turned me off. "Help your loved ones stay safe online" is an easy, non-ageist, inclusive way to convey the same information. Providing useful information is not an excuse for ageism. And FYI I looked at the FBI 2023 crime report. There were an estimated $4.7 billion in fraud among people *under 60* along with that $3.4 billion among 60+. The table notes that not all the complaints even have age information. In fact, there were BILLIONS of other losses not associated with any age group. I suspect you specifically hear about problems among older people and not others precisely because you work in the elder care industry.

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I am sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. I think people are lucky to have carers in their lives, so it is a positive word for me. For example, I am being a carer to my Mom when I help her stay safe online. She is my carer when she drives me to radiation treatments.

I can’t seem to say the right things, so I will wish you a good day.

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This was very helpful and I shared with my brother (who also acts as tech support). It's useful for me as well as I have an older partner (legacy contacts). Do you have a suggestion for a password manager that you like/recommend? Thanks

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Hi Jodie, I use, like and recommend 1Password. I haven't done a detailed comparison against LastPass or Apple's built-in password manager that Bern mentions in his comment, so those may well be great alternative options.

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I've a mix of Apple and Android/PC devices so appreciate the recommendation. Thanks

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If you were Apple-only, then Apple Passwords/iCloud Keychain/Safari is a good choice.

If you use Chrome, you can use it for your password manager, too. It'll work on Mac, PC, Android and iPhone. On the iPhone, go to Settings > General > Autofill & Passwords. Turn off "Passwords" and turn on "Chrome."

If you use multiple browsers, 1Password is the way to go. It supports Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Edge and all of the above operating systems. I would avoid LastPass at this point (they had a security breach a while back that highlighted some bad design decisions they made).

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If you have Apple devices that accept the current operating system, then use the new native Apple password manager. It is enough, simple, and free.

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Thank you, it was very useful! My parents have mostly problems with overcluttering and viruses...

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The assumption that 'parents' - i.e. older people - have poor technical skills while younger people are by definition more technologically savvy is ageist. The stereotype of "old people can't use a computer" is extremely harmful to people over 50 in the tech workforce (especially older women). Replace 'your parents' (as a proxy for 'older people') with any other marginalized group. How does it sound? Would you say 'Help your wives and sisters stay safe online' to denigrate women's technical abilities? I hope not. The man who invented the World Wide Web will be 70 this year. Does he need help from his kids (if he has any) to 'stay safe online?' How many older people working in the tech industry are likely helping their kids stay safe online? Personal experience within one's own family and social circle isn't always the best criteria for making broad generalizations for a headline.

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Thanks, Sharon, for your input. I appreciate you sharing your insight. From what the data show, including large scale data from Pew Research, a significant majority of older adults say they need assistance when it comes to using new digital devices. One study noted that just 18% reported that they would feel comfortable learning to use a new technology device such as a smartphone or tablet on their own, while 77% indicate they would need someone to help walk them through the process.

Are there people who are older who are tech experts - absolutely! Are there people who are in need of some support? Yes. For those I've heard from who find new tech to be sometimes challenging or overwhelming, iI've learned that it's sometimes helpful to have support with it. And sometimes those who provide that support need support themselves as well. That's the focus of this piece — providing resources for those who might benefit from them, and who may not have the time to figure it all out themselves. In any case, thanks for sharing your perspective.

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That 18% figure you cite is from a study that's *more than 10 years old.* https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2014/04/03/older-adults-and-technology-use/

Someone who's 65 now has had a very different technology experience in their life than someone who was 65 more than a decade ago, given when PCs and the Web first came on the scene. I know because I lived it.

Also, one of the earliest things we're taught when analyzing data is to ask "compared to what?" If 18% of older adults 10+ years ago were uncomfortable setting up new devices themselves, how does that compare with people in other age groups? Were 90% of younger people comfortable doing it themselves? 30%?

Some comparison data from a Pew 2017 study: 83% of those age 50-64 report feeling somewhat or very confident when using electronic devices. That compares with 90% age 30-49 (not so different) and 65% age 65+ (still almost two-thirds). Note that the 50-64 cohort in 2017 is 58 to 72 this year. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2017/05/17/barriers-to-adoption-and-attitudes-towards-technology/

(Also ageist, by the way, among those who study age discrimination: surveys that consider younger age groups in small increments but lump someone 65 years old in the same category as someone in their 90s)

Anyway, thanks for responding.

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